Certified Payroll and Government Reporting
Made Easy

Take The Tour

Payroll4Construction has the features you need to stay on top of Davis-Bacon laws and certified payroll

  • Process multiple states, rates, trades and localities on a single timecard
  • Access dozens of print and electronic certified payroll formats, including LCPtracker, eMars, DiR and more
  • Enjoy automatic calculations for prevailing wage, fringe benefits and more
  • Integrations with popular payroll software systems like FOUNDATION®, QuickBooks®, Sage and many more!

Payroll4Construction simplifies payroll for government projects

Payroll4Construction is a comprehensive service that helps process Davis-Bacon requirements and simplify construction payroll for contractors.

We do all the heavy lifting so you can stay focused on the job. Just upload your workers’ hours, and we do the rest — including providing automated certified payroll reports for easy submitting. Running payroll for construction has never been simpler!

Ready to learn more about the #1 construction payroll processing service? Fill out the form below to take a product tour!

See How We Can Help

Read what other contractors have to say about how Payroll4Construction has helped with their prevailing wage jobs

That it takes care of prevailing wage jobs, for me that’s worth anything

— Tama Salvaggi, office manager, Bechter Plumbing, Inc.

Certified payroll takes one or two minutes to complete, rather than being a three-hour affair. I used to track all payroll hours, compute the average daily payroll, split the deductions, etc., on an Excel spreadsheet and then transfer the same information onto the appropriate certified payroll form. Now, in a matter of a few short minutes, the system does it all.”

— Michelle McLaughlin, Tight Line Construction

Fringe pay would take us Saturday into Sunday, with the rest of Sunday being used to finish up any leftover certified payroll. We’d average a combined 40-60 hours per week just in payroll. This included time spent on all payroll activities, including fringe benefit payments, worker’s comp and certified payroll — including LCPTracker — as well as our weekly payroll.

— Melissa Melendes, Maranatha Sheet Metal Company, Inc.

We’ve saved a lot of time doing certified payroll and job reporting, especially with labor costs.

Michael Rocca, president, Pine Ridge Technologies, Inc.
About Payroll4Construction
Payroll4Construction is the #1 payroll service for contractors. With our construction-specific payroll solution, we handle all your payroll needs so you never have to stress about payroll again. Simply submit the time, and we’ll do the rest.