Case Study: Desperately Seeking Service (for Multi-Rate Payroll Processing)

“We’re all construction with multi-state and union, so it’s a complex payroll,” says Tammy Evans, CFO of industrial painter Certified Coatings Co. — a Fairfield, CA division of Germany-based The Muehlhan Group. Tammy explains just how complicated it can get on one of their jobs, “One of our local collective bargaining agreements was that guys working at 50 ft., 100 …

A Construction Pay Stub Explained

If you do construction payroll, you know that it’s not always simple. Whether you’re dealing with Davis-Bacon requirements, prevailing wage rates, union benefits, taxes for multiple states and localities, or even just overtime pay, there’s a lot that goes into calculating the amount your employee receives. This can lead to questions from employees who wonder what all the seemingly cryptic …

Sample Certified Payroll Report: Interact With an Example WH-347

What Is Certified Payroll? Certified payroll refers to weekly construction labor reporting that a contractor submits for each government contract they’ve worked. This, along with a signed statement of compliance, “certifies” to federal, state, or local agencies that laborers on the project have earned at least the required “prevailing” — or standard — wages. Federal, state, and local wage laws …

Four Tips to Help Take the Pain Out of Union Payroll Reporting

Processing payroll is complicated, and adding union requirements to the mix can make the task feel insurmountable. Contractors who work with union employees not only have to worry about tracking benefits packages, health care, vacation time, and 401(k), but they also need to take into account additional deductions or fringes their home union might require — like political action contributions, …

Case Study: Bechter Plumbing, Inc. Takes Back Their Payroll

  People say construction payroll is hard. Really, it’s all about control. What controls the way you process payroll? A single fixed wage in your accounting software? A behemoth processing firm? Since Bechter Plumbing, Inc. partnered with, they control their own payroll. “It’s so nice to be able to just get in and set stuff up on my end,” …

Case Study: An Electrical Contractor Takes Payroll From Good to Better

  Most people (and companies) will probably encounter a version of this sentence at some point in their career: “It’s not personal; it’s business.” That was what Massachusetts-based Pine Ridge Technologies, Inc. found themselves saying as the business was growing and its office staff realized their big-name payroll service was no longer going to suffice. “It was great, and we …

Taking on Multi-State Taxes Like a Pro

How to Cross the Border: Taking on Multi-State Taxes Like a Pro by Fred Ode In a construction company, you have thousands of moving parts to keep track of at all times — literally and figuratively. Besides maintaining and tracking equipment, bidding, hiring, and managing job sites, construction payroll alone can give you plenty to navigate. Just look at state …