Case Study: Desperately Seeking Service (for Multi-Rate Payroll Processing)

by Alex Gray
June 4, 2019
Read Time: Less than 4 Mins
Last Modified: April 27, 2024

“We’re all construction with multi-state and union, so it’s a complex payroll,” says Tammy Evans, CFO of industrial painter Certified Coatings Co. — a Fairfield, CA division of Germany-based The Muehlhan Group. Tammy explains just how complicated it can get on one of their jobs, “One of our local collective bargaining agreements was that guys working at 50 ft., 100 ft., or 150 ft. would get paid different rates for the height they were working at and how long they were working at it.” Tammy was often having to cut several checks a week for each employee because of all of these variables.

With their multiple rate, state, and union setup, Certified Coatings was looking for a service that could even process a payroll that complex. After searching, Tammy says, “ (P4C) was the only company we’ve found that’s been able to do that.”

(Read: Case Study: Bechter Plumbing, Inc. Takes Back Their Payroll)

“We Blew up Their System…”

Prior to using’s construction-specific payroll service, Certified Coatings attempted to use another payroll processor. But after nearly nine months of planning and setup, they still hadn’t been able to complete a payroll. “We blew up their system because our payroll was too complicated,” Tammy laughs. Eventually, Certified Coatings decided that a change needed to be made. A payroll service that couldn’t handle the intricacies of the construction industry simply wasn’t going to cut it.

“They Delivered What They Promised”

Tammy took to the internet, looking for a construction payroll service advanced enough to handle her payroll needs. This is where she initially came across FOUNDATION®, the powerful construction accounting software that uses to process payroll. Certified Coatings set up a call and were immediately surprised: “The difference with the P4C sales staff is that they delivered what they promised. I’m always concerned that a sales team is overselling me,” Tammy says, “but with P4C, we could do demos, and we saw that everything was just like they said.” From there, the rest was easy, “We made a decision at the end of August and were converted, live and running October 1.”

Besides easily processing all of her complex payroll situations, Tammy continues to be impressed with the many other benefits that offers her and the team at Certified Coatings: “We do certified payroll every week for every project. A lot of times you’ll have to get these types of reports created or programmed, but with P4C, the certified payroll reports were already there. In a click of a button, you have your information, and you can do both electronic and print.” By focusing exclusively on the needs of the construction industry, is more than just a payroll service — it’s a construction service that gives clients like Tammy and Certified Coatings the tools they need to succeed.

To see more of the real-world difference makes for contractors, check out more construction payroll testimonials!



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